The state of the Park at the beginning of Feb. was about the worst ever and with the Depot overwhelmed we were lucky that they pulled out the stops for us to get the Park looking good for the first Market of the year. A full team of equipment and workers who work can do that whole Park in two days but the rain constantly interrupted the work. Thank you Khaya, John and the team . The Park looked so beautiful for the Market even though the North Section still is not finished.
We will not get another cut for three weeks now so be prepared for long grass again. Our Park Depot 406 has more than 31 Parks to maintain and is under funded and under equipped to do so despite contractors.
MARKET , now on the 2nd Sat. of the month had a successful morning and worked well with its new layout. Thank you Handri for donating Parking money to FOFS. We have already used R600 felling trees as we could no longer wait for Parks.
The Council has paid to renovate this SO FAR but it is far from finished. Their plumber had to be called back 4 times to fix various leaks and one basin is still leaking inside. The agreed finishes inside have not been done, no window handles so sooner rather than later it will probably be vandalized unless the work is finished and the guards are in.
The tree over the roof has finally been cut away and the roof needs painting to finish off the upgrade outside. I have no idea when this will be done, if it has been budgeted. The work has been stop/ start and just not good enough.
A meeting was held apparently in November to put the guards at the gate without consultation with the Guards or us. This huge Park has a routine and dynamic of its own and a decision from Braamfontein cannot be made without this consultation. We are given to understand that Kya guards will have extra guards/guard but the current two are not enough with one or two at the gate.
The hut on the main field must stay. They are visible to Park users and baddies alike and it works. We have had no crime sine they arrived there and are known to the Park user.
I was called re. a burst pipe at the entrance which was a gusher. FOFS paid for a plumber to be there in half an hour to fix it. They also tried to fix the basin in the guard house but it is very small and they did not have the right fitting. Cost R790.
More trees have fallen this week 20th due to the rain. They have been cut and now the debris needs removing.
Boykie was bitten by a dog whose owners at least had the good grace to take him to a clinic. Most deny responsibility and blame the staff. Never the dog.
Rose Johnson
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