We still don’t know just what the situation is regarding the Adoption. Confusing emails from Departments, an Urban Park proposal now to delay Padel Courts for 2 years with further changes .
We are to meet Richard from UP to hear more. Will report back.
EARTH DAY – FOFS – COME AND JOIN US . SAT 22nd – 10 – 12.30
FOFS are having a clean up in the Park and invite the community to bring the family to spare some fun time giving the Park some TLC Parkmore Scouts are going to do a River Clean up – thank you Parkmore Scouts
Cutting out aliens, wattles, blackjacks thriving in the long grass due to lack of grass cutting. Parks are doing less and less due to budget cuts. Clive Hooper has volunteerd for tree trimming – Thank you
Bird walk by an expert. Painting the Rocking boat to brighten it up .
Pony rides, scavenger hunt for the children and a water and boerie roll to top it all off for your efforts to keep our Park the special place it is for all the community to enjoy ALL their different activities in natures green space that we are so lucky to have on our doorstep.
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