They have once again changed their minds and now do not intend to develop the unkempt West bank. Markets, activating the land ideas etc. are out.  They are now going to improve the facilities for the residents, new fencing etc. The bank will remain unkempt it seems.


All the cables/electrical wires and boxes in the Park have now been stolen/vandalized, toilets, guardhouse, fields. The Park is in total darkness at night with gates open 24/7.

A drunken group threatened the toilet attendant. ADT responded to my call and we closed the toilets. Thank you ADT. Sector cars. No answer.

A car was broken into at the parking near the gate.


Rand Merchant Bank has kindly donated 5 benches to the Park which have been installed.  Thank you Rand Merchant Bank.  Parks provided 3  bins. Thank you Abram Maja.


We painted the Jungle gym in the Park together with  volunteers. Thank you Call Guard for the ladders and staff volunteer and Happy Feed for a staff volunteer.  Thank you Morningside Mica Hardware for supplying the special mix and paint brushes and Parkmore PCA for the SMS sent out. Community support is much appreciated.


We had 11 of the park’s 22 metal lids replaced BEFORE they went missing as these were a danger to Park users. Sewer overflows are an ongoing problem.


I have met Fiona and she has agreed to contribute to FOFS and get involved in the maintenance of the entrance. She will get back to me on the funding.

FOFS have bought a hose and I will be asking them to start watering. The entrance desperately needs a morning ‘’once over” once a week. Any landscapers in Parkmore or surrounding area?  They get the kudos on a board.I have had the sleepers removed from outside the toilets for a donation which will go towards swings.


Only one of the three person Parks team was present.  All the issues with the Park were discussed. Security being top of the list. She does not know the Park so we are arranging an on site meeting soon. Am waiting for her.

She asked Francois to do a map showing the Park as it is for them. She will get it when she comes.


Anyone with ideas or suggestions or can help us to keep the Park looking good please contact me.

Rose Johnson – 082 784 1933 –