With the last of the PCA donations Mhari and I did a limited final food drop. Thank you to all the generous people who donated and made all the drops possible.


More and more are back enjoying the 30 acres of freedom.  Parks still haven’t got it into their heads that a busy community park needs toilets !!

I pointed out to the Depot and even head of Parks, Jenny Moodley, that the wording in the park Regulations indicated that toilets were available,  we STILL have not had our cleaner back. I have found out that she is cleaning Depot toilets for half a day!!

Up to now FOFS has paid for a cleaner and provided paper but our finances cannot do it anymore so we have closed the ladies toilets. We are still waiting for repairs requested weeks ago . The mens are open and we keep the Disabled toilet clean for staff and the public.

We had to pay a handyman  to get the door to shut so it could be used. FOFS  cannot go on paying as we now have no income.  PLEASE DONATE TO US SO THAT WE CAN KEEP LOOKING AFTER THE PARK. 


First National Bank

Account No. 6211768278

Branch : 25065500

Assoc. Incorporated under Sect. 21 – MOI

Reg. No. 2006/029242/08 – Tax No. 1039/169/84/0 – PBO No. 930025105

P.O. Box 65433, Benmore. 2010 – Cell. 082 784 1933


During lockdown when the Park was devoid of humans and dogs the rabbits invaded us and are now a problem, digging small holes all over the Park . One child has had a bad fall with his foot tripping into a hole.

We were finding bodies of dead rabbits around the Park. A Park user caught another Park user bringing his Hunting dog to hunt them.  This has caused concern as this sort of behavior within a Public Park is not the kind of activity we want to see.   The SPCA visited the Park and say they will Follow it up.


FOFS paid a handyman to re-do the swings which were not safe and to check the rest of  the Jungle Gym. 

The Jungle Gym will need oiling in  September and needs volunteers to help with the painting.

It is a fun morning and children love to be a part of it.  It has to be done in a morning, all we

Ask is two hours of your time.  We will keep you informed.

Please volunteer – phone me at 082 784 1933.  It will be a Saturday morning.
