Name of event: FOFS Family Day
Date of event: 12 October 2013
Brief description:
Sandton Field & Study Park will come alive on Saturday 12 October as families from all over Gauteng gather for the FOFS Family Day 2013, hosted by Friends of the Field and Study (FOFS), a non-profit organisation that cares for this green lung in the heart of Sandton. The event offers loads of family fun ranging from magic shows to nature walks, a colouring competition to pony rides. A tempting selection of refreshments will be on sale from wors rolls to cupcakes and cappuccinos, as well as take-home goodies like balloons and craft items.
Kids: Enter the FOFS Family Day Colouring and Art Competition!
Click on the link to download a pdf that can be printed and coloured in. Make sure you print BOTH sides of the A4 page. Bring your finished masterpiece to the FOFS Family Day on Sat 12 October and you could win one of many great prizes! You can also create your own artwork with a Nature theme and submit it on the day for judging.
Appropriate age group: All ages
Time: 10am to 2pm
Venue: Sandton Field & Study Park, Corner Louise Avenue and 14th Street, Parkmore
Cost: Free
Contact: Rose Johnson, 0827841933,
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