For years now FOFS have been involved in discussions with Forest Farm and JPC to find a solution to the squatter/jungle problem by developing that W. Bank. The Dinosaur Park took over a year to get Parks approval and then it all fell apart when the overseas funding didn’t materialize.
With new consultants – Durapi – appointed by JPC, I have attended numerous meetings with all parties, given presentations on how we see preserving the Park and we have been through all the required studies. FOFS architect Mr. Pienaar has produced what we see as a development solution. Forest Farm is still with us and there is now a final development proposal for the bank which is to be made to JPC this Friday by Durapi.
As always anything with Council takes time but we will follow this through and keep you informed on this Newsletter. There has to be a public meeting at some stage as well. It wont just happen.
There has been concern regarding riders using the Park as their space to exercise and canter around in. The Park is for people, not horses. Only escorted pony rides are allowed.
Our massacred, precious cycads have come to life again. Over the last month the leaves popped out of the one and every day I noticed at least an inch or more as it unfurled. Amazing. The other one is just starting. They were “pruned” by Phineas.!
People have been happy with their patrols and I think they make a difference. They are nice guys. Jeffrey is the supervisor. If you need anything they will help. There is a green book in the hut for comments so if you want to write something please ask for it. Complaints as well.
Parks has been on strike for over 10 days hence the state of the Park. This is an ongoing battle and I am at the Depot at least twice w eek. It will be cut for the Market next Sat. 19th. If ONLY some Corp. would donate us a tractor/mower ! Where are all these GREEN Companies? Here is a priceless green lung that needs your support! Huge PR in it.
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