Without warning Parks sent a man to start cutting down the dead trees in the Park and the first to go was our iconic giant which was not in danger of falling etc.  Park users were shocked as were we. We now learn that all the dead trees in the Park will be cut – many need to go, oaks included – so  be prepared.


Our beautiful Cycad at the entrance that was virtually demolished three years ago has suddenly come back to life.   We will be watching it.


This is still half done. Council Maintenance asked me for a list of what still was needed. I sent the list and nothing further has happened.

Also, no more information on moving guards, how many, where to or from or when.


A big thank you to Depot 406 for sending teams to cut just about the whole Park for the Market and not just one field.  The Park looks stunning.


Sandton Rotary and Steel Wings Motorcycle Club generously donated a Brush Cutter to FOFS which we are most grateful for. We can cut where Parks teams don’t get to which all helps to maintain the Park.

Rose Johnson