FOFS Family Day a treat for local community

Sandton Field & Study Park proved a generous host to families who braved the hot weather on Saturday 12 October to enjoy FOFS Family Day 2013, hosted by NPC Friends of the Field and Study (FOFS).

A highlight for children was the stilt-walking magician who produced balloon swords and animals on demand, while pony rides, tombola stalls and face painting were further sources of entertainment. Kids signing up for Wild Kids activities enjoyed getting in touch with nature, muddy feet included, then most headed to the food stalls to top up on delicious foods and ice-cold beverages. Dog-lovers got the chance to observe their favourite breeds learning obedience with Foxhill Training in action on the field.

According to Rose Johnson, FOFS Chairperson, the non-profit received many positive enquiries and comments about the park on the day, as well as some new members. “In the course of their busy lives, people often forget that they have access to this wonderful green resource in the heart of Sandton, for cycling or taking a stroll, walking dogs, having picnics and parties or just letting children run around outdoors,” Rose notes. “The Family Day provided a great opportunity to remind families of the important role such parks play in the lives of suburban communities. At the same time it showcased the work we do at FOFS to keep the park as clean, safe and beautiful as possible.”

Among the familiar faces and local brands participating at the event were Happy Feed, Long Tom Foods, Timas Food Store, Chlo Lo Catering and the Parkmore Community Association (PCA).

Winners of the FOFS Family Day colouring competition, to be announced on the FOFS website shortly, will receive lovely prizes donated by Happy Feed, Prestige Quality Housewares, Montrose Nursery and Foxhill Training.

FOFS Family Day pictures

FOFS Family Day pictures