A proposal was discovered for a  Doggy Day Care centre operating in office hours,  on  a ¼    acre   of the grounds of the Field & Study Park.  A Petition was circulated which dwelt mainly on the state of those dogs whose owners are at work who are bored, lonely, lack exercise etc. etc.  and the fact that this business, that’s what it is,  would employ disabled people giving them a chance in life etc. etc. skills development etc.

A worthy endeavour on the face of it,  BUT on the grounds of our Park which consists of the two big fields and the River Walk and was bought by the then Council for “Park Purposes” for the surrounding community who need it in the  currently fast densifying  Sandton.

For 9 years FOFS has protected our Park from moves by  the Joburg Property Co.  and any others, such as the above from those who think they would like a chunk of the Park in order to start a business or any other kind of activity.  THE PARK AS IT IS, IS  NOT NEGOTIABLE.

FOFS informed Clr. Earp and the Parkmore PCA both of whom supported us and I met the person behind this proposal and made it quite clear that we, FOFS, the Clr. and the PCA would oppose the idea should it be necessary to do so.

I suggested they look elsewhere and NOT at Field & Study.  WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR PARK from such opportunists. We will continue to do so.


Our magnificent, iconic large gum and wattle trees are either dead or dying.  I had a tree man there today taking samples of the diseased leaves and marking those that will have to come down.  The Oaks are also diseased but we are going to try and spray them and save them.

The Tree Worx  have offered and obtained Council permission to cut down the dead trees for us and in return plant a big indigenous tree for every one gone. Thank you Mr. Ortlepp.

I urge those of you who love the River Walk to use and enjoy those magnificent trees that were planted over 100 years ago by the Wilhelmi Family . The gum and wattle trees were planted by them for the bark that was used in the tannery that was situated on the river where the stables are.

Rose Johnson – www.fofs.co.za  – Facebook – www.fb.com/fieldandstudypark?fref=ts