Adults again on the Jungle Gym despite the notices so more money spent replacing slats. It is a constant battle to keep it safe and maintained when there are people who will abuse it.
We have also fixed a leak on an outside pipe at the toilets and another at the entrance .
The road potholes have been filled with concrete thanks to Mr. Ginsberg who organized that. I have asked that it be redone for years and have got Clr. Earp involved. He wrote to Louise Gordon in Council and sent emails from me and The Market as well and the reply was – Have forward your request to Maintenance to see if there is Budget available!!! I have asked for years now as it has deteriorated so I think I know the answer.
This continues to grow, now 120 stalls and very popular. Good food and great stalls. 2nd Saturday of the Month.
We have closed off the entrance as a high truck hit the roof knocking it off its supporting columns and the supporting brackets out of the wall. I had a builder look at it and he said it was dangerous and could tip. The culprit was reported to Parks with all information. Maintenance have been and seen. They are going to remove the whole roof – WHEN they get the equipment to do this.
A young woman was found in the Park at 3am emotionally overwrought saying she wanted to die. Guards took her to their hut and I got there at 7am. We finally found a friend to come and fetch her and we have since had an SMS from her thanking us for our intervention and she is OK. All praise to the guards who handled the situation so well.
The 6 dead trees along the middle of the second field from the dinosaur down have finally been cut down. They were dropping branches and a danger to the public. We had to tie danger tape round them with a warning sign as Parks took weeks to get to them.
Still waiting for the stakes for the new trees from Parks. Now 6 months.
This is steaming ahead with them doing numerous reports on environmental and others. We do not think it is the right development to be opposite the Park as it involves noise and traffic on a 7 day a week basis and we suspect they have their sights on the Park as the 12 acres is really not big enough for what they have in mind. The proposal document showed a parking area on the Park side with a bridge!! NO WAY.!~!
Rose Johnson 081 784 1933
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