As this is the first Newsletter some previous items are included so that this gives a fuller picture of what has taken place during the year.
FOREST FARM They own the unkempt West bank over the river. We have been in constant touch and discussed and motivated various options with them regarding this for years. They have now decided to concentrate on improving their internal infrastructure and facilities and not sell or develop their land as we had hoped.
PARK GATE CLOSURE We are working with the Parkmore Comm. Assoc. in getting all parties together – Rec. Centre, Stables, etc. in order to close the Park’s gates at night. ADT have kindly agreed to do the closing and opening. Prior to 2006 the gates were locked every night between 10pm and 5am by guards which we no longer have.
SWINGS/CAR – FOFS have given the Park swings for the play area. The metal car now has a steering wheel that turns. It will be painted soon.
BENCHES Five new benches – 3 on the first field – were installed recently. Thank you Rand Merchant Bank.
THEFT All the cables and electrical wiring in the Park and toilets has been stolen. We have no power in the Park which is a huge disadvantage as far as fund raising is concerned.
EROSION The soil erosion round the wier, as reported, is a cause for concern. We had Chris Brooker (Council Consultant on Stormwater) have a look as well as a Joburg water inspector. It now appears it is JRA who are responsible. Both sides of the wier are at risk. No response from JRA.
PARK We have given a presentation to Parks Head Office on the Park and are in touch re. improvements to the Park. We are waiting for an on site meeting. Suggestions welcome.
NEW WEBSITE This is now up for all to access – – please have a look. The old one – -underscore before friends – will stay with a link to the new one.
MEMBERSHIP/FUNDS We are a Sect. 21 Co. with income derived from membership, donations and sponsorships. We need your support to keep your Park as you would like it. Please join or sponsor one of our ‘ wishes ‘.
Rose – 10th October 2012
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