This continues to expand and the last one had 105 stalls. A definite success for the Park.
For the last few months the toilets have been insufficient to cope with large functions/events such as the Market, Blue Label Day etc. I have asked for, a number of times, a complete service of the only 4 ladies toilets as the cisterns are not filling fast enough. In spite of promises from Maintenance this has not happened. FOFS has paid for numerous plumbing issues – the last being R3600 – for a leak at the gate. More people are discovering the Park and this needs to be addressed. I have told Parks Events Dept. that they must ask for extra toilets to be brought in.
A third application has come for Private Enterprise to lease a chunk of the Park for the above facility. We have let them know very strongly that NO part of the Park is available to ANYONE for ANYTHING other than Public Open Space for the Community.
Up until last week we have not had any crime in the Park since they arrived.
Last week a woman was attacked walking alone along the river at 6-6.30pm. She has been warned by dog walkers and wont have the guards around. The guard heard her screaming and rescued her. He helped her to her car at the Rec. Centre and told her to wait in the car while he went to the hut to call police and back up. When he returned she had driven off. For good reason we, the staff and the guards are sure this was a ‘hit’ from outside.
Forest Farm and JPC have now gone their separate ways. FFarm will go ahead with their plans for their land and we are once again left with the unkempt W. Bank. Our long time contact at JPC has left and we are trying to find out what they now plan to do with that 6 hect. Our 6 years of negotiations with them both has failed.
FOFS have just given the Jungle Gym its yearly coat of wood preservative.
FOFS has given the Jungle Gym is annual preservative mixture to maintain the wood. We will be replacing tyres soon. The toilets are not functioning properly esp. when there are big events
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