WEST BANK – SQUATTERS – As my Newsletters have said over the years we/FOFS have been trying to get a permanent solution on the West Bank – not the raid, destroy and return scenario which is futile and solves nothing. With the squatter issue only going to get worse we pressured JPC into action. We have been trying for 6 years now.
The intention is to develop that W. Bank – with the collaboration of Forest Farm who own the Nichol frontage of that bank – with office development at the top and the Park extending over the river up to this development. FOFS architect, Mr. Pienaar has put forward what we feel is the right plan for the bank. A “levy” from the office development would then make it possible the secure the WHOLE Park which is first prize for all of us.
JPC Consultants, Durapi, are completing the final “concept” for presentation and approval by Forest Farm who we hope will agree to be a part of this. If not then the bank will still become an extension of the present Park managed and maintained by us and City Parks. The land will therefore not be available to squat on. A solution for the Park but in fact merely moving the problem elsewhere. No-one has an answer to the problem but we are trying to make the best of a bad situation.
We are hoping the final “concept” will be put to Forest Farm before the end of the year , so that we have a yay or nay from them. Either way we must have the plan to move forward with it come the beginning of next year. Watch this space.
SPRUIT DAY —– A handful of residents turned up to help us in the Park. Thanks to Julien Ortlepp’s Tree Worx team, the PCA bakkie and workers, and big team from Parks Depot 406 we managed to plant 40 new trees in the Park, install 2 new big dustbins, oil the Jungle Gym and paint the car and picnic table FOFS paid for materials. Teachers from Brescia House came to do a river clean up with a few local stalwarts. The Dinosaur has since been painted by IQ Business. Steel mesh and extra handrails were welded at the top of Dino to make it safer. This was done by resident, Katja Fulton and the electrical box restored by Handi Coolen at their cost. Thank you all. – see Facebook – fieldandstudypark.
DOG ISSUE – A resident has introduced the “Yellowdogproject” see Facebook. A separate area in the Park is out as it is zoned PUBLIC open space and the Park must be available to the PUBLIC.
TREES/SIGNS/SWING – The drought is devastating our trees, especially the Oaks. We are battling to keep the 40 new trees that we planted on Spruit day alive. We have had tankers come but water restrictions are now a problem for Parks. —-– New signs are up to make Park users more aware of their surroundings and prevent crime happening. FOFS paid for these. A new stand swing for little ones is now near the car. A FOFS project.
I am now away for the rest of Dec. Wishing all Park users HAPPY HOLIDAYS — Rose
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